Company : Quantpedia
Fintech Category : Crypto, Quant (Quantitative Research)
Consulting Services Provided : Sales (Business Development, Independent Sales Agent)

Quantpedia - The Encyclopedia of Algorithmic and Quantitative Trading Strategies - helps analysts, traders and investors discover and evaluate hundreds of quant and algo trading strategy ideas, from academic research spanning tens of thousands of papers, with minimal time and effort.

We identify the most well-explained, applicable, and innovative ideas; catalog the strategies’ performance, risk characteristics and trading rules; and summarize them in plain language. The result is a continuously curated database of ideas for systematic investment and trading strategies.

Users can screen and filter the ideas, examine strategy relationships, evaluate out-of-sample backtest results, or review visualized strategy comparisons. Pro subscribers can additionally model custom, multi-strategy, multi-asset portfolios. Reports include 200+ charts and tables with factor regression analysis, risk scenarios, seasonality analysis, tests of alternative weighting schemes, correlation analysis, and more.

About : Quantpedia offers Premium and Pro level subscriptions services, and enterprise services including alternative data analysis and custom projects. Quantpedia also seeks sales and marketing opportunities including channel partnerships, influencers, content distribution and more. Download these documents for more information and contact details: